just a song
george peter j. | 14. März 17
it´s been a long time
sittin in a bar
listen to meanings
talked about fishing and politics
wasn´t here for months i think
and in between are all the thoughts of you

counting my money
can buy just two beers
yes it is an irish
wish you where here
there is no reason to argue
with anything
and in between are all the thoughts of you

just read the paper
talked about it
meanings and statements
conversations with depth
be invited for another
and in between are all the thoughts of you

so lets come clear
there isn´t any fear
life goes on
and the thoughts aren´t gonna change it

going home
wishes and take care
life sometimes is unfair
but it doesn´t hurt me
maybe maybe a little
but in between are all the thoughts of you

copyright 2017 George Peter Jakuboff and A.J.
